HWT Contractor Enrollment - General Areas of Interest and Instructions for Enrollment.

The Northeast Water Purification Plant (NEWPP) expansion project will be divided into multiple contract packages by the Houston Waterworks Team (HWT), a joint venture of CH2M Hill and CDM Smith, the Design-Builder. HWT is looking to gather preliminary information from each contractor interested in participating in the construction of this new project utilizing the project procurement website’s enrollment link.

HWT is committed to promoting opportunities for MWSBEs to become Tier 1 contractors on several contract packages and/or as Tier 2 sub-contractors for other Tier 1 contracting opportunities. Multiple opportunities will open as the contract package procurement progresses.
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Profile
Type of Firm
Preferred Contract Value (select only one)
Primary Industries/Sectors of Work Experience (select all that apply)
Participate as Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 Vendor:
Bonding Information
Insurance Information – provide standard coverage limits (ex. $XXX,XXX,XXX or N/A)
Indicate if Your Firm is Certified as any of the Following (Certified in the City of Houston).
Note: For interested Tier 1 Vendors, HWT will reply with an enrollment email invitation to begin the project pre-qualification process through Aconex, the project contract administration portal. Information on companies with a preference to participate in the project as a Tier 2 vendor will be retained by HWT and shared with qualified Tier 1 vendors, for their internal vetting process. HWT’s procurement process to select Tier 1 vendors will begin in Q2 2017 with a pre-qualification step, followed by a two-step qualifications based short-listing and a final Competitive Sealed Proposal for each major contract package.

For additional information, the HWT Procurement Guide is provided in the Reference Documents Section.
The requested information is for Aconex enrollment purposes and for HWT to compile a list of interested contractors and does not guarantee a contract award. In order to be eligible to participate in HWT’s procurement process for the NEWPP project, enrollment must be completed. The Houston Waterworks Team reserves the right to award contracts at its sole discretion.